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Konnichiwa, ohashii friends! As you embark on your Japanese adventure, there’s more to discover than just breathtaking scenery and delicious cuisine. Japanese etiquette plays a vital role in ensuring respectful interactions and an enriching cultural experience. Let’s dive into some dos and don’ts to help you navigate this beautiful nation with grace and understanding.

The Art of Greeting

⭕ Do: A slight bow and a warm smile are universally appreciated. When in doubt, a friendly “konnichiwa” (hello) goes a long way.

❎ Don’t: Avoid overly firm handshakes or casual hugs, as they’re not as common in Japanese culture.

Shoes Off, Please!

⭕ Do: Upon entering homes, traditional spaces, and certain establishments like ryokans and temples, remove your shoes and place them neatly in designated areas.

❎ Don’t: Wear shoes inside where they’re not appropriate – it’s a mark of respect for the space and the people in it.

Bowing Grace

⭕ Do: Bow slightly when meeting someone or expressing gratitude. The depth of the bow varies based on formality – a slight nod is fine for casual encounters.

❎ Don’t: Overdo it – overly deep bows might be seen as excessive or insincere in certain situations.

Dining Delicacies

⭕ Do: It’s polite to say “itadakimasu” before starting a meal and “gochisousama” after finishing. Try a bit of everything on your plate to show appreciation.

❎ Don’t: Stick your chopsticks upright in a bowl of rice – it resembles a funeral ritual.

Mind Your Noise Level

⭕ Do: Speak softly in public spaces and trains to maintain a peaceful atmosphere. Keep your phone on silent mode when using public transportation or in quiet places like temples and museums.

❎ Don’t: Engage in loud conversations that might disrupt the tranquility around you, such as speaking loudly on your phone or engaging in animated conversations in these quiet spaces.

6. Gift-Giving Grace

⭕ Do: If bringing a gift, present it with both hands and a smile. It’s customary to receive gifts with both hands as well.

❎ Don’t: Avoid giving items in sets of four, as the pronunciation of “four” sounds like “death” in Japanese – not exactly the vibe you’re aiming for! Also, avoid handing or receiving items with just one hand – it’s considered more respectful to use both.

Respect for Elders

⭕ Do: Show deference to older individuals. Address them with honourific titles like “-san” after their names.

❎ Don’t: Refrain from addressing older people casually by their first names – it’s a sign of respect to use their titles.

Be Punctual

⭕ Do: Arrive on time for appointments and meetings. Punctuality is highly valued in Japanese culture.

❎ Don’t: Keep others waiting – it’s considered impolite and inconsiderate.

Remember, no one expects you to be an expert on Japanese etiquette, but a little effort goes a long way in creating positive and respectful interactions. By embracing these customs, you’ll not only navigate the culture seamlessly but also leave a lasting positive impression on the people you meet.

🎎 Have you ever experienced a cultural norm in Japan that surprised or delighted you? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below! Let’s keep the conversation going and learn from each other’s cultural encounters!

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